Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ahhh, Paris; 8 days was not enough...

Hanging out in the Tullerie Gardens with 1000s of Parisians on a warm
spring afternoon.  The ducks in the fountain choregoraphed their dives,
and we thought it was hilarious to see 3 duck butts in a row.  
Quick, possibly illegal, selfie in the Orangerie with the Monets- Mallory
carried this one off better than I did
Much better Mallory and Laura selfie- planned, timed,
focused, outside of the Tullerie Gardens
Macaroons, champagne= so French

Fashion Show at the Galleries Lafayette!!!
Fashion show- mustard yellow is in this year?
The bridge where lovers write their initials on a lock, and attach it to the bridge-
it got so heavy that the Municipality of Paris had to remove a bunch of them
to prevent a bridge collapse.  
On the roof of the Musee de Orsay, pondering life with a statue of Wisdom

I don't remember if I was on the Left Bank or the Right Bank...

La Pere Lachaise cemetery, where many famous people are buried.
It's such a peaceful place for a stroll.  
Cafe in Montemartre where Amelie worked in the movie

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