Monday, November 23, 2015


I signed a contract for AISC in early March.  Two days later, I checked the Foo Fighters tour dates, to see if I could catch a show during the summer in the US.  None of the dates worked out, but there was a Saturday night show in Turin, Italy, in November.  Two very close friends from Panama live in Turin, so I invited myself to their house for the weekend.   Two days of hanging out with awesome people, and then my first Foos show in five years.  Perfect!
the Piazza in Turin
me, Ashley, Austin in old town Torino
Lovely decorations in Turin
We had a great time hanging out together.  Ashley, Austin and I were all new int'l teachers in Panama together- they are good friends.  Which I needed.  I put on my specially chosen 'concert outfit' on Saturday night, and we headed to the venue.  The attacks in Paris happened on Friday night, and the concert was supposed to be on Saturday night.  We found this sign hanging at the dark, closed venue:

Everyone felt profound sadness around the cancellation- one
woman was crying outside of the venue
Concert venue, or I refer to it, The Palace of Broken Dreams

AH-MAH-ZING fish soup.  The restaurant was near the Palace of Broken Dreams,
so at least I got a phenomenal meal on Saturday night.  Stadium food and
Foo Fighters would have been better, but this was a great second choice.
But even with the cancellation of the concert, it was a great weekend with good friends.  Here are some of the awesome things that I saw during the weekend.

The gorgeous rooftops of Chieri

Apertivos on Friday afternoon- the Italians always have snacks with their wine

A Nonna in Chieri, keeping an eye out for trouble

The cathedral where the Shroud of Turin is located-
but it was closed by the time we got there.
Turin has a famous Museum of Film.  This is an original copy
of the original Star Wars poster.  Luke and Lea looks funny.  

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