Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lille, France

Originally for Spring Break, I had planned to fly into Brussels, spend a few days, head to Bruges, walk the canals, and then end with a week in Paris.  But then Brussels cancelled 50% of incoming flights due to safety concerns, and Aegean rerouted me to Lille, France.  

What a happy mistake- Lille is a lovely little town in northern France that I was happy to spend a few days exploring.  There is a Flemish influence, but it is a French town through and through (the international art museum only had titles and descriptions in French, so I guessed a lot).  I very much enjoyed my short time there.  

Sunset in the park on my first night
Le Merveileux, Lille's famous dessert- two meringue cookies
held together with chocolate cream, covered in chocolate
shavings.  It was marvelous, as the name implies.  

Welsh- Lille's signature food.  1 piece of brioche + smoked salmon + mustard +
another piece of brioche + 1 pound of melted cheddar cheese.

Half 13th Century Cathedral, 1/2 20th Century Church due to a bomb
during WWII.  Full name:  Cathedral of Notre Dame de la Treille
The traditional section, with a lovely private chapel at the end
The new half, with modern stained-glass and a wall made of marble
which glows when sunlights hit it.  
The guardian angel of the church survived the bombing.

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