Monday, March 14, 2016

Greek Mosaics, 2nd-4th century

Paphos is a lovely seaside city on the southern coast of Cyprus.  In the 1960s, Cypriots archeologists discovered hundreds of mosaics, most of which decorated the floors of the homes of Greek governors in 300-500 CE.   Hundreds of thousands of tiny stones of all colors, shipped in from across the many lands conquered by the Greeks.   The Cypriot Historical Society began revitalizing them in the 1960s, and the work continues today.

Below is a sampling- the care and detail in creating these is amazing.

Marsyas being sentenced to death by Apollo for losing
a lute-playing competition
Theseus, with club in hand, and the Minotaur, about to be defeated, in the Labyrinth

the detail in these mosaics was astounding: Ambrosia holding a jug of water
for the famous "bath" of Achilles (the baby seated in the lower right)

The Four Seasons:  Winter

The Four Seasons:  Spring

Narcissis, gazing lovingly at his reflection in the pond

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