Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wherein I visited Rome to hit the tourist attractions before 2015 ended

Fountain Trevi
the Pantheon

San Luigi de Francesca church, where a great children's choir was performing

the very famous Carravaggio painting in San Luigi- "The Inspiration of St Matthew"
Beautiful marble work in Plaza Navarro, with random child to the left

In the amazing little wine bar, enjoying some amazing Italian wine and cheese

The Vatican (but I didn't go inside, b/c it wasn't worth two hours in line to get pushed by other tourists through St Peters)

The River Tiber by night

famous Piedmontese bridge- Constantine dreamed that God wanted him to win, so had all of his soldiers paint crosses on their shield.  They won, and he and all of his soldiers converted to Christianity, somewhere around 330 CE.  

For New Years Eve 2015, we had a wonderful 4 course Italian dinner, followed by hours of fireworks set off by everyone in the neighborhood.  I could lie on the couch and see the neighbor's handiwork.  

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