Thursday, December 25, 2014

Bolivia VI- Chuletas

Throughout Bolivia, the indigenous Andean peoples have retained a lot of their culture.  Many speak Quechua or another Andean language, and have continued their clothing, food, and religious ethnicity.  Probably because the Spaniards were too lazy to climb the Andes and discover these groups, which allowed them to protect their culture for a few hundred years.

In Bolivia, the indigenous men dress in jeans.  But the indigenous ladies, called Chuletas, wear a very specific uniform: a plain blouse covered by a knit shawl (for warmth), a multi-layered knee-length skirt (which mimics colonial Spanish wear for women, and is warm), knee-high woolen socks, long braids,  and a bowler cap (brought by the British during the silver rush of the mid 19th century).

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