Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bocas Town, part II

For our Patrias Weekend break, some friends and I headed to Bocas del Toro, a chain of beautiful islands on the Caribbean side, right near Costa Rica.

Yes, the water really is this clear, and the beaches really are this beautiful.
We decided to ride bikes out to a beach bar for lunch.  On the way, we ran into one of my really sweet, really wealthy students.  He was heading out to surf, and chatted with me for a few minutes. When he found out where we were headed, he insisted that his valet (for lack of a better term...maybe manservant?) drive us and the bikes there. His valet was so kind, and even loaded and unloaded the bikes for us.
Mariah, Julia, Rebekah, and Laura
We arrived at the beach bar, and had a lovely afternoon sunning and eating and drinking.  Because it was a national holiday, the whole country was dry for the day, but the bartender mixed up some fruit punch with a little extra kick.
This is the town- a bunch of houses built right on the water, all with boat docks.  It's very much an island paradise.

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