Sunday, August 5, 2012

Whale Watching

Best Sunday ever!  Wake up at 5am, catch a ride to the marina, get in a speed boat, go 50 miles off the coast, and then wait.  We were lucky, as we only waited about 15 minutes until this pod of 5 humpbacks appeared.  It was amazing- they played hide and seek with the boat, they sang a little, and they let us follow them for almost 80 minutes.  On the video you will hear us cheering, which we did for those 80 minutes.  The whales were about 20 ft from the boat.  It was awesome, in the true awe-inspiring sense of the word. 

Note:  You can press play to watch, but for sweet details, make it full screen, and you'll be able to see their blowholes and humpbacks.

1 comment:

  1. I've been dreaming of whale watching for a while now. Looks like the things dreams are made of.
