Saturday, July 28, 2012

A man, a plan...

 The Panama Canal is amazing.  Maybe you will get an idea of it from this before and after picture.  On top, the cargo o the boat is flush with the cement sides of the Canal.  On the bottom, the water level rose almost 20 feet, raising up the boat and it thousands of tons of cargo.  And it all happened in about 15 minutes!

- It takes 8 hours to cross the Canal, as opposed to weeks to sail around the tip of Chile/Argentina.
- There is a $250,00-$500,000 tariff to use the canal.  Per boat.  Per trip. 
- The Canal was built in 1913, with thousands of deaths from malaria and yellow fever. 
- Panama has undertaken a huge project to expand the Canal, which will allow wider ships to pass through.  I wonder what the new tariff will be?

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