Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Payday in Panama

The entire country gets paid on the 15th and 30th each month. Many Panamanians do not have bank accounts, so cash their entire paycheck on payday. The normal bank lines on payday afternoon rival bank runs of the Great Depression. But the Panamanians peacefully wait- if only that patience carried over into their driving.

Here are some photos from April 15, 2015 payday. This check also contained XIII Mes (13th month), which is a built in 30% bonus that is spread over 3 paychecks- so everyone was very eager to start buying new flatscreens and fancy sneakers. 

Scotia Bank

Banco General


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Boston 2015

co-chaperone Mateo and I at TD Green after the Celtics lost miserably to the LA Clippers
Meg and I after a fabulously indulgent meal at the Cheesecake Factory

The ISP girls and I touring Wellesley College