Saturday, March 7, 2015


Flying over the Caribbean, I caught sight of this. It is so cool how you can see the mountain under water rising up to beach. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Carnavel 2015 Cozumel

To get Jen and Nora out of freezing New York City, we met up for a week in Cozumel, Mexico.  This week happened to be Carnival Week, so we were there for the Fat Tuesday parade.  It was a good time.

Nora with the largest pina colada ever sold.

Cotton candy, anyone?

the spectacle of Carnaval.

it's blurry, but one person was supporting most of those feathers.

A float full of men dressed as Miss Piggy.  We don't know why or how, but I loved it.

sweet glitter. 

Estrellas de Bailar

posing for group photos
 In Cozumel, we ran across this group of dancers twice.  Estrellas de bailar is a dance school in Cozumel with dancers ages 7-17.  Two groups put on ten minute performances, which were quite a spectacle.  But first, their parents had to take pictures of them for 15 minutes.

 younger dancers performing

The older group, who incorporated some cool Bollywood moves into their performance

I love this picture- two of the girls snuck away from the group to gossip with each other during picture time

Holland 2015

Every year, ISP sends a delegation to a Model UN conference in the Hague.  As the director, that means I get to go with them. The conference is so-so, but we always have a great week in Holland.

The Escher Museum allows visitors to take pictures, which is awesome.

Could this picture be any more Dutch?  Maybe if there were tulips in the basket.

Best meal of my visit.  Brie toastie and mouthwatering frites.

The huge skating rink across from the I AMsterdam sign.