Saturday, May 31, 2014


Every place has a different word for "corner store." In NY, they are bodegas.  In Panama, they are Chinos.  In Suriname, they are Winkels.

Something about the name Stanley's Winkel made me giggle for 5 minutes straight.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ecuador III- Otovalo Animal Market

Friends who used to live in Ecuador had recommended a trip to the Otovalo animal market. My thoughts?

It was EARLY (we arrived at 5:50am)


It was REAL- people weighing guinea pigs to eat for dinner that night, and milking cows to test them out. No disinfected version of reality that we give to kids in the US- this was real.

Adorable piglets, all huddled together for warmth. They probably had a few more years of life to fatten up before they ended up as Easter dinner.
Nora was dying to see a llama in real life.  Jen and I thought that this adorable papoose baby with a llama was the cutest thing ever.
Trade began way before the sun went up.

This little piggie would not go gently into that good night.
I love travelling.  In Panama, I have seen a pick-up with 2 Brahmin cows.  In Nicaragua, I saw a pick-up with 20 teenagers crammed in the back.  And in Ecuador, a pick-up full of pigs on their way to market.

Ecuador II- Incan ceramics

Ecuador had some great museums.  One was dedicated to pre-Columbian artifacts, including a great collection of ceramics.  One indigenous group from the northern Andes made a bunch of vessels honoring animals.  I found these really funny.

Here is a molerat (I think).
 A dancing monkey.
A really pissed-off devil guinea pig.

Ecudaor I

Oh alititude... on the first day in Quito, we had to catch our breath after walking up a hill = photo opp

Nora, Laura, and Jen on top of the mountain

obligatory gorgeous Spanish colonial church

we couldn't stop drinking the juices in Ecuador- so good and so fresh!

Hot Springs, in the mountains, on a 60 degree day = wonderfully relaxing

taxis in Ecuador were sooooo cheap.  That meter says 56c.  Not $56, no, 56c.